Welcome to Fox Company's Photo page. We focus on highly authentic, immersion style events that recreate a specific date and time in Fox Company's history. We also host yearly training events to hone the tactics of a WWII parachute infantry company and take part in public events. The photos are a blend of all of the above.
Fox Company Group Pics
2024 Photos
2023 Photos
2022 Photos
Notes from the Lt. What does being in Fox mean? You're part of first platoon, and that means something beyond what those other groups can understand. The toughest part of their year was when they ran out of Mountain Dew at Rockford. In the last 12 months we've been too hot, too cold, wet, dirty, cut, bruised and blistered. We executed a river crossing in pitch black, walked miles at two in the morning looking for Germans who didn't exist and sat in Foxholes shivering in -15 wind chills. Bring that experience with you to future events and know that you're part of something special. Walk tall, be proud, and carry on boys! - Lt. Sill
2021 Photos
2021 has been a banner year and Fox company continues to grow!!! We started with a training event and Unit party in February. June brought a D-Day event and Fox company rescued British paratroops in Operation Pegasus in October. Our group continues to create unique immersion events and push the boundaries of conventional re-enactment groups. If you want to partner with us or see if this Unit is for you, please see the Join Up page.